14 Tips For Getting Your Luxury Sports Car Spring Ready

WRITTEN BY: Mark Romero

UPDATED: MAY 02, 2023 | 2 MIN READ

Spring is a time to clean, get organized, and enjoy the warmer weather. It is also a time to ensure your luxury sports car is ready for the season. Check out these useful tips for getting your vehicle spring ready.

Get your luxury sports car spring-ready

When it comes to getting your luxury sports car spring-ready, there are a lot of things to consider. From performing basic maintenance to checking for wear and tear, you can take plenty of steps to ensure your car is in top condition for the warmer months ahead.

1. Conduct a visual vehicle inspection

It is important to check for any damage, including scratches, dents, and rust. First, check the car’s exterior by walking around it to see any scratches or dents on the paint. Check that all lights, including taillights and headlights, are intact and functioning properly. Make sure the windows aren’t broken or cracked.

2. Rinse the car off

Winter roads are the bane of car owners. Not only do they make your car less maneuverable, but they also mean that it will likely get dirtier than usual. Rinse your car before washing it to ensure that any salt on the surface doesn’t scratch the paint job or create rusting or other problems.

3. Clean the exterior

Wash your luxury sports car with soap and water to remove dirt and grime. If you use a pressure washer, be careful not to damage sensitive paint or rubber parts.

4. Wax and seal

Waxing and sealing the car with a water-based product makes it easy to keep it clean and look new for years. These products can be applied on the car’s exterior or as a top coat for as long as six months. Waxes and sealants are made to protect against UV rays and prevent rusting.

5. Rotate and balance the tires

Tires are the most overlooked part of a car. They need to be serviced to stay healthy, safe, and functional. Tires are often neglected for months, leading to problems such as worn treads, cracked sidewalls, and more. Tire shops offer rotating tires and balancing them for a reasonable price so they last longer, maintain their shape, and function properly.

6. Inspect the brakes

One of the most important things to do to prepare your luxury sports car for spring is to ensure that your brakes are in good condition. You can do this by checking them for any signs of wear or damage. 

If there are any issues, then it is best to get them fixed as soon as possible before they cause an accident. When you take your car in for a brake inspection, the mechanic will be able to tell you if there are any problems with the brakes and how much it will cost to fix them.

7. Check for leaks

Checking for leaks and ensuring your car is in top condition is a great way to avoid being stranded on the side of the road. Leaks can be caused by several things, including weather conditions, worn-out hoses, oil & water leaks, and more. 

Leaks in cars can be costly, but they are also pretty easy to fix. If you notice any smells or noises coming from your vehicle, it may be time to get a leak inspection.

8. Vacuum the car’s interior

A handheld vacuum will remove all the dust and debris from your car’s interior. This will help keep it looking pristine and ready for spring.

It’s a good idea to start using your vacuum at the end of winter while the car is still in its messy state. Let this device suck up all those pesky crumbs and spilled coffee, and then you’ll have a clean car for spring.

9. Replace the wiper blades

Your wiper blades are an essential part of your car’s safety equipment. These blades help clear away rain, snow, frost, and other debris that can impair visibility on the road.

If they’re not in good condition, you may not be seeing the road clearly, which can cause an accident. To avoid this, look at your wipers to ensure they’re in good shape and replace them if they show any wear.

10. Check the fluid levels

The lifespan of fluids such as power steering fluid, brake fluid, windshield wiper fluid, and transmission fluid can all be low due to use. This makes it critical for drivers to know when to have these fluids changed. The manufacturer’s recommended operating range on the dipstick is typically a good indicator if the fluid needs changing.

11. Check the tire pressure

The tires on your luxury sports car are the only contact point between the car and the road. That’s why monitoring tire pressure and keeping it at the correct pound per square inch is important.

The most common way to monitor tire pressure is with a tire gauge. You can find these at any auto parts store or gas station. The gauge has a dial that will show you when your tires have reached the desired PSI. 

12. Change the oil

Change the oil in your luxury car to get fully ready for spring. This will help ensure your engine stays healthy and free from any buildup of dirt or dust that can cause it to break down or have other problems.

13. Turn the engine over

Make sure the engine turns on and runs for a few minutes. Allow all the fluids to run through the car, and take the time to check the dash for warning lights.

Now might be a good time to take it for a spin around the block to test for any alignment issues or other problems. It’s best to check while you’re not too far from home and find out something is wrong while cruising down the freeway!

14. Review your car insurance

Before you set off on the roads, check your car insurance policy and ensure adequate coverage. Most states require drivers to have liability insurance, which pays for the damage they cause when they’re at fault in an accident.

But if you live in a no-fault state, like New York, where both drivers are responsible for their damages regardless of who caused the accident, then collision coverage will be necessary. Any injuries from accidents are paid for by your medical coverage, PIP coverage, or New York health insurance.


What steps do you follow to maintain luxury vehicles?

The steps are typically the same as for any vehicle, but you might want to carry out routine maintenance more frequently for luxury cars.

How do I protect my luxury car?

A good insurance policy is the best way to protect your luxury car. This will cover you in case of any damage, theft, or accident. You should also ensure the car is waxed and sealed regularly and given a routine service every six months.

How do you clean a luxury car?

First, you should wash your car with water to get rid of any dirt or dust on the surface. Then rinse it off with a hose. Next, use the sponge to scrub away any remaining dirt on the panels and windows of your car.

Once you are done with this step, it’s time to go inside and do some more cleaning there, too – vacuum up any dirt in the carpeting and anything else that might be left behind in your car’s interior before finally giving it a good polish.

What’s the most luxurious sports car?

Several luxury sports cars could claim the title of “most luxurious,” including:

  • Lamborghini Huracan Super Trofeo Omologata (STO – MSRP from$327,838)
  • Audi R8 (MSRP from$146,500)
  • Aston Martin DBS Superleggera (MSRP from$304,995)
  • Bentley Continental GT Speed

What’s the fastest luxury car?

The fastest luxury car so far is the Tesla Model S Plaid which logged a hot 2.07 Seconds 0–60 mph time.

Protect your luxury sports car

It’s important to prepare your luxury sports car for the spring and summer driving season, and part of your preparation should be ensuring your investment is protected. Take the time to review your car insurance policy and get several car insurance quotes to make sure you’re getting the best rates.