Your driving record greatly impacts your car insurance rates, especially if you have a bad one. Whether you’re aggressive, inattentive, have a DUI on your record, or have the perfect driving record, these factors affect your auto insurance rates. We’ll walk you through how your driving record affects your car insurance rates.
How Does Your Driving Record Affect Your Insurance Rate?
When you contact an insurance agent, they want to know what type of driver you’re. The type of driver you’re affects what your rates are. With a clean driving record, you’re seen as someone unlikely to make a claim.
You’re a risk if you have a bad driving record, and your rates tend to be higher. Many factors come into play when insurers give you a quote, but your driving record is important as it determines whether you’re a bad driver.
Many factors help determine the cost of car insurance
What you pay for auto insurance is impacted by many different things—from the type of coverage you want to your driving record, even your credit score comes into play. Here is a list of things that your insurance agent looks at:
- Location: Where you live helps determine your rate due to accidents, vandalism, and theft. Typically, urban drivers pay higher rates than those that live in small towns.
- Your age: Experienced drivers tend to pay less insurance costs than new drivers. Teenagers pay more for car insurance than anyone over 25.
- Your driving record: The better your driving record, the lower your premium. If you have a DWI, or other traffic violations on your record, you pay more than someone with a clean driving record as you’re considered high-risk.
- Mileage: The more you use your car, the more accidents you potentially get into. If you travel rarely, insurers consider your vehicle as “pleasure use,” and you pay less.
- The car you drive: The cost of your car becomes a factor as a sports car costs more in car insurance rates than, say, driving a minivan.
- Your credit score: Insurers believe that people with excellent credit scores have good driving records and are less likely to get into an accident.
What Impact Does Your Driving Record Have On Your Car Insurance Premium?
The more accidents and tickets you have on your driving history, the more you pay for car insurance. Most insurers quote a higher rate due to your poor driving record.
It’s hard to say how much of an increase there is on your insurance policy as it depends on many factors. One accident increases your rate by up to 38%, while a speeding ticket increases your rate from 22% to 30%. After a period of time, your infractions don’t have as much impact.
Do other moving violations affect my insurance?
Any minor or major moving violations that end up on your driving history increase your car insurance rates. Points typically aren’t factored into your car insurance rates, but the number of points accumulated impacts your rates.
These are some common traffic violations that impact your rates:
- Texting and driving: Some states have banned insurance companies from considering texting violations for setting rates. But insurers might treat it as a minor moving violation in the states that have not banned it.
- Red-light tickets: if you get a red-light ticket in the mail, you might see higher insurance rates. It all depends on how your state treats those types of violations.
How can I bring my rates back down?
Accumulated license points on your driver’s license cause your car insurance coverage to increase. There are ways that you’re able to bring your rates down after a driving violation:
- Take advantage of discounts: Car insurance companies offer several discounts.
- Take a driving class: Many insurance companies offer a discount if you take a defensive driving course.
- Shop around for a new policy: If your insurance policy never seems to go down. It might be time to call and get a new insurance quote from a different company.
- Increase your deductible: if you increase your deductible, your premiums go down.
How Much a Speeding Ticket Raises Your Insurance Rates
A speeding ticket always raises your auto insurance premiums. How much it goes up depends on your driving history and where you live.
A speeding ticket raises rates by 21.2%, or $357 yearly, for a full coverage insurance policy.
How one speeding ticket affects your insurance rates by state
Most states raise your insurance rates on average by at least $187 for full coverage if you get a speeding ticket. Some rates are higher, and other states are lower. Connecticut has the largest increase, where one ticket added $1,310 to annual rates. In six states, that increase is more than $800.
Will a speeding ticket for 5-over affect your insurance rates?
Even if you receive a speeding ticket for just five over, it affects your rates almost as much as a more serious ticket. The price for a car insurance policy with a ticket for driving five over the limit is only 3.1% lower than one for driving 11-15 miles over.
Insurance companies such as GEICO, State Farm, Progressive, and USAA had almost identical rates for each citation.
What are the four factors that influence your auto insurance rates?
Four factors determining your auto insurance costs are your driving record, car, credit score, and age.
How much do 3 points affect insurance in Florida?
In Florida, three points on a driver’s license increase car insurance rates by up to 23%, or $658 yearly.
How much do 2 points affect insurance in Georgia?
In Georgia, two points increase your auto insurance rates by about 20%.
Why would your driving record affect your car insurance rates?
If you have a bad driver’s record due to reckless driving, you’re considered high risk by your insurance company and therefore are quoted a higher premium.
What is the difference between points and surcharges?
Points are taken off after every traffic violation, and the MVC levies a surcharge on drivers who accumulate six or more points within three years.
How to compare car insurance with a good or bad driving record
Purchasing cheap car insurance is simple and easy. Ensuring you have the right coverage in case something happens is essential. We hope this article has helped you understand your options.
If you’re ready to get insurance quotes for your car, it’s as simple as comparing rates as amounts vary by company. We have a helpful tool to find the best car insurance.